After removing from the package, dry off and remove any fat chunks or anything that is dangling or loose.
Score that back membrane. DO NOT REMOVE IT.
Use a Worcestershire sauce binder
Cover the Beef Ribs with your customer rub. Do fronts and back sides. You want 100% coverage
Set your Z GRILLS to the lowest setting. For me, that is the super smoke setting or 160f. Once that temperature is reached add your ribs to the Z GRILL middle rake.
Smoke for 2 hours with no peaking. Once that 2 hours is reached, check the ribs for even cooking. If you want to 1/4 turn the ribs, please do.
At the 3-hour mark start to raise your temperature to 275-300f. Also, turn your Ribs if you feel they are not cooking evenly.
At the 5 and 6-hour mark, check your ribs. They should be in the 185-190-degree range internally. Continue cooking the Ribs until an internal temperature of 203+ is reached, approximately 7.3 Hours.